Q: How many copies of the CE Test do I receive with my $36 annual membership?

A: One. Each additional CE Test costs $21 per year. That breaks down to only $1.75 each per month.


Q: What if I have five caregivers who’d like to receive the CE Tests. What would be my annual fee?

A: $120 --- $36 for the initial CE Test, and $84 for the additional four CE Tests ($21 for each CE Test times four CE Tests...$21 x 4 = $84.)


Q: Can I pay for one CE Test and then make copies?

A: No. We prefer that member agencies pay for each CE Test. We realize that many agencies have tight budgets these days. This is why we charge only $36 for the first CE Test. We feel that $21 a year or only $1.75 a month for each CE Test after that, is a very reasonable fee given the increasing costs of printing and postage. Also, if you consider that you do not have to lead a training, coordinate a time and place for you and your caregivers to meet, etc., we are confident that you’ll find CE Test trainings to be very cost-effective.


Q: Can I copy the certificate of completion?

A: Yes. In fact, the certificate is provided as a master for making copies to place in a file and/or distribute to your caregivers for each CE Test they complete. This is a way of documenting the training. We suggest you make copies of the master certificate, fill in the name of the individual who successfully completed the CE Test, and have the appropriate agency staff member sign his/her name to verify completion.


Q: How is the CE Test graded?

A: It is helpful to go over the answers with the caregiver after he/she has completed the test, but it is not necessary to “grade” the CE Test, per se. If you wish to, that’s up to you.


Q: Why do you recommend one hour of training for each CE Test?

A: We’ve found that it takes the average person approximately one hour to read the three-page article, and then read and answer the questions on the back. Some member agencies go over the results in person or hold in-services and are able to meet requirements for face-to-face training. Each state has different licensing requirements, so while we can suggest a specific amount of training time, we need to allow for flexibility.


Q: Can an individual caregiver sign up for the CE Tests?

A: Yes, but it’s more cost-effective for the agency to pay for, and receive, the CE Tests each month.


Q: Is there a minimum number that I need to order?

A: No. Some people only receive a few CE Tests each month; others sign up to receive hundreds.


Q: What if I don’t know how many caregivers I’d like to receive the CE Tests?

A: That’s fine. In fact, we suggest that you take advantage of the free trial period by ordering as many CE Tests as you think you might need. Many agency members have a better idea how many people will be interested after the trial period. Then, you may revise your quantity.


Q: What if I don’t like the CE Tests?

A: If you find the CE Tests don’t suit your needs, you may cancel at any time.


Q: I’m interested, but I have specific trainings I’m required to give each year. What then?

A: We are NOT trying to take the place of current trainings. We recognize that some trainings are mandated specifically by the state. Some member agencies still like receiving the CE Tests as a helpful supplement. For example, it is a useful tool for caregivers who aren’t able to get to trainings in person.



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